Cultural and Societal Expectations: Helping Your Emerging Adult Navigate Pressure

parenting support young adult mental health Jul 30, 2024

Emerging adulthood is a time when young adults face considerable pressure from cultural and societal expectations. These pressures can influence their decisions about education, career, relationships, and lifestyle. As a parent or caregiver, you play a vital role in helping your emerging adult navigate these pressures healthily and constructively. Here’s how you can support them through this challenging phase.

Understanding the Pressures

Many cultures place a high value on academic achievement. Emerging adults often feel pressure to attend prestigious universities, achieve high grades, and pursue certain fields of study deemed successful or respectable.

  • Acknowledge Their Efforts: Recognize and celebrate their academic efforts and achievements, regardless of the outcome. This can alleviate the pressure to meet external standards and reinforce their self-worth.
  • Promote Passion over Prestige: Encourage them to pursue fields they are passionate about, rather than those that simply meet societal expectations. Passion often leads to better performance and satisfaction.

Career Pressures

Society frequently imposes expectations related to career success, often equating financial stability and high-status jobs with personal success and happiness.

  • Explore Diverse Paths: Help your emerging adult understand success can be found in various career paths, not just those traditionally valued by society.
  • Support Non-Traditional Choices: Be open to and supportive of non-traditional career choices, such as entrepreneurship, creative arts, or vocational training.

Relationship Expectations

Cultural and societal norms can dictate when and whom to marry, and even how to structure family life. Emerging adults may feel pressured to adhere to these timelines and norms.

  • Respect Individual Timelines: Encourage your emerging adult to follow their own timeline for relationships, marriage, and family, rather than conforming to societal expectations.
  • Value Personal Happiness: Emphasize the importance of finding a partner who genuinely makes them happy, rather than one who meets external criteria.


Lifestyle Pressures

There is often societal pressure to maintain a certain lifestyle, including owning property, driving a specific type of car, or achieving a particular social status.

  • Focus on Personal Fulfillment: Help your emerging adult understand personal fulfillment and happiness are more important than societal standards of success.
  • Financial Education: Provide guidance on financial literacy to help them make informed decisions about lifestyle choices without succumbing to societal pressures.

Strategies for Navigating Pressure

Fostering open communication is crucial for helping your emerging adult navigate societal pressures. Create an environment where they feel comfortable discussing their concerns and challenges.

  • Active Listening: Practice active listening by giving them your full attention and validating their feelings. This helps them feel heard and understood.
  • Encourage Expression: Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings about the pressures they face. This can help them process these pressures and develop coping strategies.

Promote Self-Discovery

Supporting self-discovery can help your emerging adult identify their values, interests, and goals, which can counterbalance external pressures.

  • Encourage Exploration: Encourage them to explore different fields, hobbies, and interests to discover what truly resonates with them.
  • Value Individuality: Reinforce the idea their worth is not determined by societal standards but by their unique qualities and contributions.

Teach Resilience

Resilience is the ability to cope with stress and adversity. Teaching resilience can help your emerging adult manage societal pressures more effectively.

  • Model Resilient Behavior: Demonstrate resilience in your own life by showing how you handle stress and setbacks.
  • Provide Coping Strategies: Teach them coping strategies such as mindfulness, stress management techniques, and problem-solving skills.

Set Realistic Expectations

Help your emerging adult set realistic and attainable goals that align with their abilities and interests.

  • Goal Setting: Assist them in setting short-term and long-term goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Celebrate Progress: Celebrate their progress toward these goals, regardless of the size of the achievement, to build their confidence and motivation.

Encourage Professional Support

Professional support, such as counseling or therapy, can be beneficial in helping your emerging adult navigate societal pressures and mental health challenges.

  • Normalize Therapy: Normalize seeking help from mental health professionals. Emphasize that therapy is a tool for personal growth and resilience.
  • Provide Resources: Help them find and access mental health resources, such as counseling services, support groups, or online platforms.

Navigating cultural and societal expectations can be a significant challenge for emerging adults. By fostering open communication, promoting self-discovery, teaching resilience, setting realistic expectations, encouraging professional support, and balancing cultural values with individual goals, you can help your emerging adult manage these pressures effectively. Your support and understanding are crucial in helping them build a fulfilling and authentic life, free from the undue influence of societal norms.

Take the next step and download Kim's free guide on Setting Boundaries that Stick.

I look forward to helping you connect with yourself in order to create healthier relationships with the emerging adult in your life.

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The coaching services provided through this website are intended for educational and informational purposes. They do not constitute medical, legal, or financial advice. Individual results may vary, and the outcomes are dependent on various factors unique to each client. We recommend consulting with a qualified professional for specific advice tailored to your personal circumstances when it comes to medical, legal, and financial issues. By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any decisions or actions you take based on the information provided during coaching sessions.

I look forward to helping you connect with yourself in order to create healthier relationships with the emerging adult in your life.

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The coaching services provided through this website are intended for educational and informational purposes. They do not constitute medical, legal, or financial advice. Individual results may vary, and the outcomes are dependent on various factors unique to each client. We recommend consulting with a qualified professional for specific advice tailored to your personal circumstances when it comes to medical, legal, and financial issues. By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any decisions or actions you take based on the information provided during coaching sessions.